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Page history last edited by Justin Borevitz 17 years, 2 months ago

Field Trips


A great year all!!


The future trips are on your own!


Here's many options from Chicago Wilderness


Middle Fork Savanna?


Chicago Botanical Gardens species list for Dixon prairie

      (a weekend walk perhaps, or a Friday before 4pm with Joan O'Shaughnessy [JOSHAUGH@chicagobotanic.org])


Burnham Prairie 47th and Cornell


Nichols park


Controlled burn? looking into when but will be short notice 


Lurie Gardens in Millenium Park, (contact is Coline schuetz, tours are 10am sunday starting in April)



Remember to bring you camera's..


Also Chicago center from green technology, city hall roof top garden


we didn't make it to Fermilab research prairie contacted Bob Lootens (lootens@fnal.gov) and Rob Walton (rwalton@fnal.gov)

 maybe next year.



Past Trips...

Earth Day at Green Festival at McCormick Place Sat and/or Sunday check the hot speaker lineup


Saturaday 4/7 Midewin National Tall Grass Prairie 

  What a great day! Who's a little wind burned? Lets email Bill Glass (wglass@fs.fed.us) and thank him for showing us around. Send a link to a Midewin pics page with a highlight of what your learnded. I'm sure a few of you might like to get more details for your project that you could implement with Midwin.  Details or previous email correspondance (click Midewin)


Sat 4/14 we were at Morton arboretum with Kurt Dreisilker KDreisilker@mortonarb.org

    Work Day info  Email details mortonEASTSIDEMAProute.pdf I've reserved the 15 passanger van again.

   We left from the Quad gate @ 57th on Campus @ 7:45am! Day started @ 8:30

    trains to Lisle from olgive station downtown for


 Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore park advice

     confirmed Mnok Prairie Walk 4/28 10am-noon Mnokdirections


Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore park advice

     confirmed West Beach Succession Tour 5/5 10am-noon 



On a Sunday May 27th our last field trip will be to a savannah restoration project in Mettawa. Liam Heneghan (lhenega@depaul.edu)


NW corner of Riverwoods Blvd. and Rt. 60 in Mettawa Lake County




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